What do puzzles, board games, and escape rooms have to do with college success?   

Humans learn best through play and interaction! Unfortunately, they often sabotage their own success by making situations harder than necessary. This book makes the challenges of college more manageable, exploring the skills needed to succeed that go beyond the syllabus and textbook.
 It's not a long book. It's not a hard book. It’s a fun book. However, its lighthearted approach tackles some of the most difficult obstacles that lead to frustration and failure in college and careers.
The authors—lifelong educators and enthusiastic learners—share a collective passion for encouraging students to succeed by teaching them to harness their own personal power. This book is a timely companion for high school graduates, first-year college students, and those who love them, as they embark on new and challenging adventures.
“Our culture, … loves to view creative people as gifted beyond reason, inspired by muses and a magic that defies understanding, and as a predetermined group of elites who come along once in a generation to do life-altering feats to make our mere mortal existences more beautiful. Though this is a lovely story, …it is not true, nor is it helpful” (p.53).
Creativity is Critical: A Quick Guide for Parents and Teachers Who Want to Help Others Succeed incorporates decades of research and experience by the authors, who are teachers, parents, and artists in a world drowning in standardized thinking. This book offers reasons and tips on why we need to encourage creativity in others as well as ourselves to balance out the natural gifts all humans have.
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